The State of Mental Health Education in New Zealand

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Mental health education in New Zealand has been a growing priority over the past few years. As the nation strives to improve mental health awareness and provide the necessary resources to care for those affected by mental health issues, there have been numerous initiatives, campaigns and conferences held throughout the country. While there is still much work to be done, here’s a look at the current state of mental health education in New Zealand.

Mental Health Education in Schools

The Ministry of Education has been making various efforts to ensure that all New Zealand schools are equipped to provide mental health education to students. The Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum focuses on teaching the fundamentals of mental health, such as the different forms of mental illness and how to develop positive coping strategies. Furthermore, the ministry has also developed initiatives such as Student Wellbeing Teams, which provide support to students and collaborate with students, staff, and parents to promote mental health literacy.

Mental health resources are also being implemented in the form of digital tools in schools. For instance, the ‘GoBe’ app provides students with access to expert advice, mental health resources and a range of self-care activities. The goal of these digital tools are to normalise conversations about mental health and foster a sense of resilience which will help in the long run.

Government Initiatives

The government has been actively involved in the support and promotion of mental health awareness throughout the country. In particular, the Ministry of Health recently launched the ‘Choose Life’ campaign in 2017. This initiative was developed to give people the necessary tools and resources they need to identify and manage mental health issues. The ministry has also developed several workshops and seminars, which are aimed at educating the public on mental health issues and providing support for those affected.

The government has also set up the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry, which is a national inquiry created to investigate the current state of mental health services and develop a set of recommended reforms to improve the services. This inquiry is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current mental health services and inform future policies and initiatives related to mental health.

Support Networks

There are various organisations and support networks throughout New Zealand that are dedicated to providing mental health services. These organisations are funded by the government and the private sector to ensure that there is access to the necessary resources that people need. Some of the key organisations involved include:

  • Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand – a non-profit organisation that focuses on raising awareness of mental health issues and providing resources for people to seek help.
  • Youthline – a youth-oriented charity organisation that provides counselling and advice to young people.

In addition to these organisations, there are also numerous initiatives that have been developed to increase mental health literacy. This includes the mental health resource ‘headspace’, which provides young people with resources aimed at improving their mental health. There are also several mental health awareness campaigns being held throughout the country such as the ‘It’s OK to Ask’ campaign which encourages people to talk about their mental health and reach out for help if needed.

Overall, the state of mental health education in New Zealand is in a much better place than it was a few years ago. With the increasing focus on mental health awareness, the necessary resources and initiatives available, there is an increased focus on improving mental health literacy. While there is still much work to be done, the nation is moving in the right direction and New Zealanders have access to the support and resources they need to take care of their mental health.

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